Receive impartial care and respect for your personal values and beliefs without discrimination, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
Access comprehensive medical care to ensure accurate diagnosis and treatment of your condition, illness, or injury.
Receive immediate care in emergency situations.
Know the identity (name and specialty) of the physician responsible for your care.
Receive detailed information about your diagnosis, proposed treatment, changes in health status, alternative treatments, and potential outcomes in a comprehensible manner.
Access an interpreter (if available) if language barriers hinder your understanding of medical care details.
Have a person of your gender present during certain examinations or procedures, with the right not to remain disrobed longer than necessary.
Provide written general consent for treatment upon admission and written informed consent for significant medical procedures.
Participate in decisions regarding your care, along with your family or legal guardians.
Obtain a medical report and test results from the Medical Records Section (charges may apply as per local regulations).
Expect privacy and confidentiality during examinations, procedures, and treatments.
Choose your treating doctor (based on availability and operational needs).
Refuse treatment, while being informed of potential consequences, and sign a refusal form if necessary.
Refuse examination or follow-up by individuals not directly involved in your care unless prior permission is given.
Be protected from physical, verbal, or psychological assault.
Receive comprehensive information if considering organ donation, including potential advantages and disadvantages.
Have a family member or guardian as an escort, depending on your health status and applicable rules.
Be informed of reasons and arrangements for transfer to another care facility, including financial and administrative obligations.
Receive, upon request, an itemized bill detailing all charges paid.
Provide feedback, suggestions, or complaints through various mediums, including verbal or written communication, website, or call center.
View your medical record under the supervision of your treating physician.
Receive appropriate pain management and related information.
Be informed and consent to or refuse participation in medical research, with no compromise to the quality of care provided.
Obtain a second opinion within or outside the clinic without fear of compromising your care.
Express spiritual, religious, or cultural beliefs, provided they do not interfere with clinic safety or operations.
Receive full disclosure of healthcare service costs and related information.
Your Responsibilities
Respect the clinics rules, including visiting hours and no-smoking policies.
Show consideration for other patients and staff.
Provide accurate and complete information about your medical history.
Follow your treating doctors instructions and treatment plan.
Take responsibility for decisions made against medical advice after understanding potential consequences.
Schedule appointments promptly and attend them on time.
Notify the Appointment Office at least 48 hours in advance if you need to cancel an appointment.
Observe safety regulations and maintain the cleanliness of the facility.
Ensure that financial obligations related to your care are fulfilled promptly.
Avoid bringing valuable personal belongings to the clinic; in emergencies, follow clinic procedures for safeguarding valuables.